Digital Citizenship
As part of the library media curriculum, students are expected to be reliable and safe digital citizens. In the beginning of the school year, students are introduced to the expectations for their grade level as well as the GPS Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) - available by clicking here. These rules are reinforced both in the classroom and in the media center throughout the year. Students are held accountable for their actions online and on their devices.
While we actively monitor your child's use at school we cannot do so at home. Here are some tips to keep your child safe and internet savvy.
- Only allow them to use the iPad and computers in a common area where they can be monitored by a responsible adult.
- Talk to you child about what they are doing online both while they are using the device afterwards.
- Learn how to check the device's browser history. Most web browsers like Safari or Chrome keep a record of recent websites unless the user manually overrides it.